Your Elected Officials

Your Elected Officials

The Town of Gibbons is administered by a Mayor and six Councillors, the selection of the Deputy Mayor is on a rotating basis (6 months) alphabetically slotted by the surnames of the Councillors. Mayor and Councillors are elected for a period of four years.  Municipal Government powers are set out in the Alberta Municipal Government Act.  

The next municipal election is October 20, 2025.

Council meetings are held on the second Wednesday at 10 a.m. and the fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. of the month (unless otherwise advertised) in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Office. All regular meetings are open to the public.




Councillor Loraine Berry

Councillor Loraine Berry

Councillor Loraine Berry grew up in a large farm family in Saskatchewan and attended University of Saskatoon and Edmonton, earning a B.A. and a Permanent Teaching Certificate.  Councillor Berry moved to Edmonton in 1968.  She married, and with her husband, raised three sons.  The family moved to Gibbons in 1994 lived there for a total of 23 years.  Since her recent retirement she has taken up volunteering for the Gibbons/Bon Accord Food Bank and coordinating the WECAN Food Basket Program.

Loraine's career began as a teacher for the Edmonton Catholic School Division, where she worked for eight years.  She left teaching when the first of her sons was born and proceeded to devote her time to raising them.  When she returned to work, it was first as a Day Home Consultant and then as the Coordinator of the newly formed Sturgeon Adult Literacy Program.

Loraine spent seventeen years' working for the municipalities of Bon Accord and Spruce Grove in their Family and Community Support Services Departments.  During that time, she assumed increasing levels of responsibilities: moving from Coordinator to Supervisor to Director of FCSS and most recently, Director of FCSS & Social Sustainability.  In this role she was responsible for the creation and implementation of a wide range of programs meant to improve the lives of residents of the municipalities she worked for.  Examples were the Seniors' Home Support Program and The Young Mom's Support Group.  Before she retired she oversaw the creation of a Social Sustainability Plan for the City of Spruce Grove.

Councillor Berry represents the Town of Gibbons on these boards and committees:

  • Homeland Housing Foundation
  • Northern Lights Library System
  • Gibbons Library Board

Councillor Berry serves as the Alternate Member on several boards and committees as required by Council.

Councillor Berry can be reached via email.

2021 Council Expenses

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

2022 Council Expenses


2023 Council Expenses



Councillor Amber Harris

Councillor Amber Harris

Councillor Amber Harris has been a resident of Gibbons for 10 years and has lived most of her life in Sturgeon County.  She is a loving wife and a mother of 3, and has been a business owner of 12 years.  In her spare time, she loves to play poker and darts, but enjoys testing her skills in escape room challenges.

She was first elected in 2013 and is now serving her second term on Council.

Councillor Harris represents the Town of Gibbons on these boards and committees:

  • Community Futures Tawatinaw
  • Edmonton Salutes
  • Sturgeon Victim Services
  • Assessment Review Board

Councillor Harris serves as the Alternate Member on several boards and committees as required by Council.

Councillor Harris can be reached via email.

2021 Council Expenses

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

2022 Council Expenses

2023 Council Expenses


Councillor Willis Kozak

Councillor Willis Kozak

Councillor Willis Kozak grew up on a local farm in Sturgeon County.  Since 2015 Willis, his wife Kelly, and their 2 amazing children have resided in Gibbons.  Willis is a small business owner and for the past 15 years has worked in local chemical and fertilizers plants.  Councillor Kozak considers it a great honour to be able to serve the community as a Town Councillor.

Councillor Kozak represents the Town of Gibbons on the following boards and committees:

  • Northeast Edmonton Business Association
  • Capital Region Wastewater Commission
  • Recycling Council of Alberta
  • Subdivision Authority

Councillor Kozak can be reached via email.  

2021 Council Expenses

4th Quarter

2022 Council Expenses

2023 Council Expenses

Councillor Jay Millante

Councillor Jay Millante

As a new Councillor, Jay Millante brings in 8 years experience working on an elected executive board in charge of a multi-million dollar operational budget.  He has served as a public worker for nearly 18 years in municipal government, health care, occupational health and safety, education and justice.  His volunteer experience in Gibbons has included supporting our Food Bank drives, working as a Gibbons Firefighter and chairing the Trail Services Committee.  Jay has also volunteered for a variety of charities and non profit groups.  Jay is a proud father and has lived in Gibbons since 2004.  If you see him walking his dogs around town feel free to wave him down and come say hi!

Councillor Millante represents the Town of Gibbons on these boards and committees:

  • Sturgeon River Watershed Alliance
  • Gibbons Fire Department
  • Subdivision Authority

Councillor Millante serves as the Alternate Member on several boards and committees as required by Council.

Councillor Millante can be reached via email.

2021 Council Expenses

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

2022 Council Expenses

2023 Council Expenses

Councillor Norm Sandahl

Councillor Norman Sandahl

Councillor Norm Sandahl has lived in Gibbons with his wife for 20 years.  As a retired Oil Worker he now enjoys wood working, golf and curling.  His 10 grandchildren and one great grand daughter also keeps him busy.

Councillor Sandahl is an involved community member who volunteers many hours at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 226 (Gibbons) and sits on the Sturgeon River Historical Society. 

He was a council member from 2010-2013 and is now serving another term on Council.

Councillor Sandahl represents the Town of Gibbons on these boards and committees:

  • Capital Region Northeast Water Services Commission
  • Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Councillor Sandahl serves as an Alternate Member on several boards and committees as required by Council.

Councillor Sandahl can be reached via email.

2021 Council Expenses

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

2022 Council Expenses

2023 Council Expenses

Councillor Dale Yushchyshyn

Councillor Dale Yushchyshyn

Dan Deck resigned as Mayor on February 18, 2025.  Council has appointed Councillor Dale Yushchyshyn to serve as Acting Mayor until October 19, 2025.

Newly elected in 2022, Councillor Dale Yushchyshyn has lived in Gibbons with his wife and 2 children since 1996. Dale has worked in the Protection Services realm for over 30 years, ranging from management positions to a software consultant working with several Fortune 500 companies in securing their assets and documenting their internal investigations as required.  During that time, Dale has previously served on the Board of Directors for the Sturgeon Victim Services as well as several smaller volunteer opportunities.

Councillor Yushchyshyn represents the Town of Gibbons on these boards and committees:

  • Edmonton Regional Waste Advisory Committee
  • Gibbons Trail Services Committee
  • Subdivision Authority

Councillor Yushchyshyn serves as an Alternate Member on several boards and committees as required by Council.


Councillor Yushchyshyn can be reached via email.


2022 Council Expenses

2023 Council Expenses