Crack Sealing has started. Watch for NO PARKING signs in your neighbourhood

Air Quality - Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership

June 5, 2024 - Clean Air Day

June 5 is Clean Air Day in Canada. Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership (HAMP), the organization that monitors the air local residents breathe, encourages everyone to celebrate this day by taking at least one action to support clean air: walking, riding a bicycle, driving less and driving smart, or even simply shutting off lights when they are not needed.

Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership News Release, on Clean Air Day, please click on the link below

June 5 - Clean Air Day

Fort Air Parternship News Release - Unveiling of a New Name

June 5 is Clean Air Day in Canada. Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership (HAMP), the organization that monitors the air local residents breathe, encourages everyone to celebrate this day by taking at least one action to support clean air: walking, riding a bicycle, driving less and driving smart, or even simply shutting off lights when they are not needed.

Please see the attached link with the news release on the unveiling of a new name Heartland Air Monitoring Partnership

Fort Air Partnership news release - Unveiling of a New Name


Fort Air Partnership (FAP) is a non-profit organization that monitors the air people breathe in and around Alberta’s Industrial Heartland every minute of every day, all year long. FAP has ten continuous air monitoring stations, one of which is just behind Gibbons' Town Office. Take a tour of the inside of a typical station. 


Fort Air Partnership 2023 Annual Report

Please see the attached news release on our 2023 Report to the Community.

2023 Annual Report

2024 Q1 Air Monitoring Results

Please see the attached news release on the Fort Air Partnership 2024 First Quarter Air Monitoring Results

2024 Q1 Air Monitoring Results