Did you know there are lots of ways to get involved with the Gibbons Museum and help preserve the history of Gibbons?
Whether you are interested in donating artifacts, money, or time, the museum welcomes all contributions! Contact us for more info.
Did you know there are lots of ways to get involved with the Gibbons Museum and help preserve the history of Gibbons?
Whether you are interested in donating artifacts, money, or time, the museum welcomes all contributions! Contact us for more info.
The Gibbons Museum and Sturgeon River Historical Society relies on dedicated and enthusiastic individuals in order to organize events and displays at the Museum. All ages and abilities are welcome.
We are always looking for volunteers for special events, maintaining the grounds, maintaining the collection, cataloguing, and volunteers to help lead tours and run programs at the museum!
We are also always looking for new members to join our Museum Board.
If you are interested in volunteering or joining the Museum Board and would like more information, please contact the Gibbons Museum by phone (780-233-7300), email (museum@gibbons.ca), on Facebook, or in person. You can also contact the Museum Board or the Sturgeon River Historical Society.
The Gibbons Museum is a non-profit organization that does not charge for admission. We believe this allows equal access for all individuals and encourages broader community engagement. As such, the museum relies on sponsorships and donations.
The majority of artifacts found at the Gibbons Museum are donated from individual community members. Such donations are greatly appreciated by the museum as they allow our exhibits and collections to grow. Artifacts may also be loaned for a specified period of time at the donors request. All donations require a Gift agreement to be signed.